Airlines need pilots who are Jet experienced and ready for type rating and line training, the reality is that many pilots graduate from flight school without sufficient Jet experience.
This often becomes apparent during line training and causes training delays and added costs.
Jet Type Rating courses are adapted from manufacturer-designed courses, which are, in turn, concentrated enough in content to favour pilots whose previous airline experience has allowed them to develop the speed and workflow patterns (motor programs) central to airline operation.
These essential patterns cannot be learned from CBT, flat panel, or any other flight training device that is not an exact copy of the flight deck.
A huge gap (the quantum gap) thus exists between flight school and airline.
MPS Flight Simulators – Bridging the Quantum gap
MPS Flight simulators are full flight deck, fully enclosed A320 and B737 flight simulators that have brought together the best features of:
- Full Flight Simulators
- Integrated Procedures Trainers
- Computer Based Trainers
into quantum-leap devices that enable student pilots to bridge the quantum gap from flight school to airline flying, and here is how they do it.
Quality and versatility
MPS A320 and B737 simulators are exact replicas of the flight decks.
- They are based on the the official Airbus and Boeing flight data packs and fly exactly like the real A320 and B737.
- 200 degree High Definition visuals.
- Level-D Control Loading (Force feedback) on all flight controls.
The simulators include the full suite of required system failure scenarios, including:
- Electrical, Hydraulic, Flight Controls, Pneumatics
Full environment modeling:
- Day or night, winter or summer, rain or snow,
Scenarios such as engine out recovery to low level circling approach followed by Go Around to visual circuit-to-land are no problem on MPS Simulators.
MPS A320 and B737 Simulators are, in essence, full motion simulators Level-D simulators without motion.
It’s as realistic as it gets.
Attention to detail
MPS A320 and B737-800 flight simulators are equipped with fully functioning:
- Operational Oxygen masks
- Stick Shaker stall warning (B737)
- Auto throttle and auto trim
- FMS or FMGC , AP, FD
- TCAS, Weather Radar, Wind shear models
Ease of operation
MPS simulators are designed to be “plug and play.” They require only electrical power and a floor space just enough to accommodate their dimensions (no emergency clearances or vertical space are required.
24/7 Internet monitoring of systems performance allows early diagnostics and software updates etc.
The Instructor Operating Station, (IOS) is intuitive, touch screen operated and can be tablet-controlled for lesson plan loading from the briefing room and instructor-pilot control from operating-pilot seat side-by-side instruction (just like Base Training).
MPS simulators are also systems and integrated procedures trainers. Lateral flat panels display informatics and systems information so that students not only fly the device but understand what is happening within each aircraft system.
Why have two devices, IPT and Flight Simulator when our device does both!
Price and value for money
All these exciting features come at a fraction of the cost of a full flight simulator.
The devices can be operated with very low power consumption, and with very little maintenance.
MPS simulators have been designed to give quality at the right price and operators will be amazed at how this enables density of training to increase whilst controlling cost.
Quantum Leap simulators set apart from the competition
MPS flight simulators have harnessed these features in a dynamic and remarkable synthesis that has produced the most cost efficient quantum leap training devices available today at a price that sets the standard and the way ahead in future pilot training.